Professional Quality Foundation Plaster with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Our Services

At Lassiter Plaster, we strive to exceed the expectations of each and every customer. We do that by using the highest quality products and through our attention to detail.

About Us

Hiring a company that specializes in foundation plastering shows you care about quality.  We are the best at what we do because it is all we do.

Free Estimate

We specialize in foundation plaster and no one can beat our quality. We are always on time, and we have a retouch warranty.

Foundation plaster is the finishing touch on your home or project.

Lassiter Plaster has plastered thousands of foundations in its day, but the one we're most excited about plastering is the one we're plastering today. Your project could be that one.

We have a passion for doing things right.  In one word that means- craftsmanship, and today craftsmanship seems to be a dying art. When a job is done right there's a pride there that, unfortunately, not many people experience. Sadly, most construction types are not craftsmen. They work off the philosophy "if it's good enough to get paid on... it's good enough.”  That philosophy doesn’t lead to any kind of happiness or even really industry standard type work. Yet, when Craftsmen are allowed time, the use of all the right materials, and they enjoy their work (care about their quality) the end product is always a masterpiece (no matter the budget). From simple foundation plaster to high end masonry, craftsmanship comes down to these 4 things; Skill, space (Time), Enjoyment and the right Materials- S.T.E.M.


Professional Quality Foundation Plaster